The Coldest Night of the Year is a family-friendly 2 or 5 km walk to raise money for local charities serving people experiencing hurt, hunger, and homelessness.
Each year in February tens of thousands of Canadians step outside the warmth and comfort of home to shine a light of welcome and compassion in their communities
Since 2011, the Coldest Night of the Year has raised over $96,000,000 across Canada in 190 Canadian communities – 100% of net proceeds stay local to support our CNOY charity partners
- We walk through the cold and dark on February 24, 2024 to declare our concern for people who have no home and take shelter in nooks and crannies.
- We walk for those whose days are a battle to house and feed their families and whose nights are filled with fear and frustration.
- We walk for those driven from home by violence and abuse. And we walk for people overwhelmed by isolation, guilt, and despair.
- We walk humbly, realizing that anyone can lose their footing and then lose everything else.