44th Annual Bowl for Kids Sake

Georgian Bowl, Collingwood
April 4, 5-6:30pm
April 5, 6:30-8pm 

Activities and Highlights:

·                  Peer-to Peer Fundraising: Support local youth and families by reaching out to friends, neighbors, and colleagues to raise funds for BBBSGBWS mentorship programs. 

·                  Bowling Tournament: Celebrate your fundraising success in a friendly bowling competition with prizes awarded to the top scorer, the top 4 individual fundraisers, and the top fundraising team. 

·                  Silent Auction: Get a chance to win exciting prizes through our silent auction, launching March 25th! 

·                  Community Building: Connect with like-minded individuals who share a passion for supporting our local youth! 

A huge thank you Bruce Power, Century 21 Millennium Inc., Brokerage, Bayshore Broadcasting, and The Bowling Alley for sponsoring this striking event! 

Registration and event details can be found online https://greybruce.bigbrothersbigsisters.ca/2024-bowl-for-kids-sake/ Your participation will make a significant difference in our efforts to create communities where young people belong and are inspired to unlock their potential! 

About Big Brothers Big Sisters of Grey Bruce and Western Simcoe: 

As one of the initial ten charter agencies incorporated in Canada in 1960, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Grey Bruce and Western Simcoe (BBBSGBWS) has been serving youth and families throughout our community for over 60 years. Our vision is to create communities where young people belong and are empowered to unlock their potential and we do this by providing no-cost one-to-one and group mentoring programs that foster growth and build community.