Collingwood Blood Donor Clinic

Can you spare an hour to help save a life this summer? We have open appointments to fill and we need your help to fill them!

Please book your appointment now at, on the GiveBlood app or by calling 1-888-236-6283.

The summer months often mean a change in routine for people in Canada, as we enjoy outdoor activities, travel and long weekend adventures. But patients still need the help of donors and are grateful for their generosity. Fit donation into your summer plans and feel good about helping someone in your community.

The need for blood and plasma is constant. Your lifesaving donation makes all the difference. Your blood or plasma donation will have a major impact on patients in your community and across the country. Inspire your family and friends to donate with you. Each year, it takes thousands of donors to save the lives of patients across Canada. When you donate blood or plasma to Canada’s Lifeline today, you make all the difference to someone’s future.




We are continuously reviewing and updating our donor screening criteria. You may be eligible now, even if you weren’t before. Thousands of people across Canada who spent time in countries affected by the human variant of ‘mad cow’ disease are now eligible to donate blood and plasma. More information about this historic change is on our website. Other recent changes in eligibility criteria are listed on our website.

The need for blood is constant, so we’re always looking for new and returning donors. 

Act now and book your blood or plasma donation by downloading the GiveBlood app, calling 1 888 2 DONATE (1-888-236-6283) or booking now at