Hike or Bike For Hospice

Register NOW for Hospice Georgian Triangle’s largest fundraising event of the year!

The 10th annual Hike or Bike for Hospice Georgian Triangle is happening IN ITS NEW VIRTUAL FORMAT, from now until May 31, 2020.

For the months of April and May 2020, while we all practice social distancing, climb your stairs, take a walk or bike ride around your neighbourhood or partake in your favourite physical activities and encourage your family and friends to do the same.

By fundraising you are helping to raise the required funds to meet today’s and tomorrow’s critical need for top-quality and free palliative care services both at Campbell House and in our community. We will be hiking, biking, pushing strollers, walking dogs, remembering loved ones and building community together, while apart.

Now that Hospice Georgian Triangle has a total of 10 beds at Campbell House, the HGT Foundation must raise more money than ever before to make sure free access to all HGT services is available to everyone who needs them at anytime.

To participate in the Hike or Bike this year, there is a $25 registration fee for all adults. There is no cost for children 0 to 12 years, but we do ask that all children are registered as participants.

This is our biggest fundraiser of the year. Also new this year, we are asking all adult participants to seek donations from your friends and family and raise a suggested minimum of $200 per participant .

100% of the funds raised through this annual HGT Foundation event will stay in our community. Hospice Georgian Triangle provides comprehensive and compassionate care in the home or at Campbell House for families in the southern Georgian Bay community dealing with life-limiting illness. Care programs are provided at no cost and focus on the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of both the patient and family, enhancing quality of life.

Be a part of the 10th Annual Hike or Bike for Hospice until Sunday May 31, 2020 and help us raise $80,000 in support of Hospice Georgian Triangle!